The team at Right On Air Conditioning and Heating understands how crucial it is to maintain a problem-free AC system. We also know that, in the summer months as temperatures rise and AC systems see more and more use, it’s especially important to have a functioning air conditioner.
That’s why you shouldn’t wait until the hottest month of the year to find out there’s a problem with your air conditioning unit. And you don’t have to! The wonderful citizens of Princeton, NJ, have relied on us for years to perform all of their AC repairs and satisfy all of their heating and cooling needs.
We operate with the philosophy that air conditioning is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. As always, we want our customers to know how to spot a problem as soon as it crops up. That way, you know exactly when it’s time to give us a call.
Don’t suffer through the summer or put off AC repair. Call us, and let us take the heat off you! The sooner you get AC repair out of the way, the sooner you can get back to enjoying the warmer weather.
How Will I Know It’s Time to Schedule AC Repair?
No one wants to go through the warm months in Princeton with a broken AC. If you’ve been in the situation before, you know how much it can put a damper on easy summer living.
That’s why we’re here to clue you in on some things. First of all, your AC system will almost always let you know when there’s a problem. Aside from minor signs, like strange noises and smells coming from your system, there are three major indications that your AC is conking out.
Remember, you should always consult a qualified professional for AC repair! This guide will simply help you determine if it’s time to call on our trusted technicians.
Restricted Air Flow
The first thing you’ll notice if you have a faulty air conditioning system is weak airflow. If air isn’t coming out of your AC’s vents properly, or at all, it could mean there’s an air duct issue.
When this happens, cold air doesn’t circulate, and your home doesn’t get cooled. Always double-check to make sure your thermostat is set to COOL first, then assess if there’s a bigger problem. If your AC continues to blow warm air or it doesn’t provide the amount of air necessary to keep your home cool in the summer, it could be time for an AC repair or even a system update.
If you notice an accumulation of grime or dust in your home, or if you are experiencing unusual respiratory issues, you may have poor air quality due to a faulty HVAC system. This should be addressed quickly to avoid further damage and prevent health issues.
Leakage or Excessive Moisture
Some condensation is normal in an AC system, but a leak is totally different and should be addressed as soon as possible. Water accumulation or moisture buildup of any kind is a tell-tale sign that your AC has a problem. Leakage can indicate a number of different problems, like blockage, a dirty filter, or an issue with your refrigeration system. In any case, you don’t want to let too much water build up because, over time, it can pose a serious threat to both your AC system and your general health and wellbeing.
AC leaks can result in:
- Mold growth
- Mildew
- Puddles
- Unpleasant smells
- Water stains
You want to prevent all of these problems from occurring in your home. In particular, mold growth is a major safety concern and, if not addressed quickly, can put your health at risk. Call your HVAC specialists before it’s too late!
Cool Off with Right On Air Conditioning and Heating this Summer
A healthy AC system should run smoothly and make very little noise, a faulty air conditioner might rattle and make strange noises, and a broken air conditioner won’t turn on at all. If this happens, it’s obviously time to call in the experts and schedule an AC repair.
Cool Off with Right On Air Conditioning and Heating this Summer
Summer is on the horizon in Princeton, NJ. If you’re noticing issues with your air conditioner now, don’t sweat it! Call and schedule an AC repair appointment. We’ll have your unit working in no time.
Right On Air Conditioning and Heating offers comprehensive HVAC solutions to residents in the Princeton, NJ, community. Our top-quality HVAC technicians are equipped with all the tools and knowledge to successfully repair your AC system so you can cool off this summer.
If you have any questions or need an AC repair, contact us online or give us a call.
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