Blog 9 Uncategorized 9 24/7 Emergency Central A/C Repair in Princeton & Plainsboro NJ

24/7 Emergency Central A/C Repair in Princeton & Plainsboro NJ

May 23, 2023

24/7 Emergency Central A/C Repair in Princeton & Plainsboro NJ

Looking for 24/7 emergency central a/c repair in Princeton & Plainsboro NJ? Your air conditioning unit is one of the most valuable assets within your home. Especially during the warmer months when temperature control can feel like a lifesaver.  

As a result, the last thing you’d like to deal with during this time is a broken or malfunctioning unit. That leaves you dealing with the sweltering summer heat without any form of support whatsoever. 

 However, it can sometimes feel like these items break the exact moment we need them (often when most repair stores are closed). This means that it’s important you reach out to an emergency repair professional sooner rather than later. 

 At Right On Air Conditioning & Heating, we offer 24/7 emergency repair services to our customers across Princeton & Plainsboro New Jersey. As we know just how important it is to have access to a working Central A/C 24/7. As a result, our speedy repair services can help to keep your home cool all year around. Even during the summer months when temperatures are rising.  

What are the most common reasons why Central A/C units break down? 

There are many reasons why your central A/C unit may break down. However, some of the most common causes behind a breakdown include: 

Poor maintenance habits. Like any home appliance, HVAC or A/C units require regular maintenance in order to stay in top condition. For example, you should regularly change the air filters and seal ductwork in order to prevent damage.  
Electrical Faults. Electrical faults, such as corroded or damaged wiring, can also lead to your A/C breaking down. This means it may not work as efficiently (if at all).

Leaks. A/C units contain a substance known as refrigerant, which helps to cool the air. Damage to the refrigerant lines can cause leaks which means that your machine does not cool the air within your home. You may also notice that water leaks from your AC unit.
Overheating. Your A/C unit can also break down if it overheats. There are many potential triggers for this. For example, if your condenser coils (or other parts of the unit) are dirty, the flow of air is often much slower, leading to a build-up of heat. It could also be caused by a thermostat malfunction. As this controls the temperature of the unit itself.

However, in most cases, you’ll likely need to consult an air conditioning maintenance expert in order to identify the exact issue you are facing. This is because they will be able to run a series of diagnostic tests on your A/C system that you simply would not be able to conduct alone. Furthermore, they’ll also know exactly how to repair your system. 

What are some of the signs that my A/C unit is damaged? 

 There are many warning signs that homeowners should look out for if they have an A/C unit installed within their home. After all, this gives you the chance to resolve issues sooner rather than later! 

 Common ‘warning’ signs include: 

Warm air coming from the unit as opposed to cool air.
Leaks/drips coming from the unit. (Water or refrigerant).
A strange smell from the unit. 
Strange noises coming from the unit when in use. 
High levels of humidity within the home.
The unit takes longer than usual to turn on or initiate a cycle. 
Insufficient or poor airflow. 
What to do if your A/C unit breaks down? 

 If your Central A/C breaks down, it’s important that you reach out to a repair specialist as soon as possible. 

After all, ignoring any faults (or warning signs) will only give them a chance to develop into something that requires more complex repairs – which means that you could end up spending more money than necessary when it comes to getting your Central A/C up and running again.

Furthermore, the longer you leave yourself without an A/C unit, the more you lack temperature control within your home. Not only could this be uncomfortable, uncomfortable butd to a range of other maintenance issues within your home. For example, if your machine is faulty, it could be consuming more electricity than necessary, which causes your bills to skyrocket. If your central A/C is leaking, it could cause water damage. 

Fortunately, at Right On Air Conditioning & Heating, we offer 24/7 Emergency Repair services in Princeton, Plainsboro, and the surrounding areas – which means we’re always here when you need us! 

24/7 Emergency Central A/C Repairs in Princeton & Plainsboro, NJ.

Home appliances tend to break when we need them the most – and often at inopportune times – such as in the middle of the night or after a busy day at work – and that’s exactly why we’re open 24/7. We’re here to support you through your emergencies – saving you time, money, and, most importantly, stress! 

We understand the struggles of being without A/C and will work quickly and efficiently to get your central A/C system or mini split system up and running again in no time whatsoever – simply give us a call, and we’ll be on our way. 

With years of industry experience and excellent reviews from our customers, our team of A/C experts are highly knowledgeable and skilled, meaning that no issue is too complex for them to handle – and they’re also happy to answer any questions you may have about your system and the steps you can take to keep it in good condition moving forward. 

If you’re looking to replace your existing AC unit entirely, we also offer AC installation services.  

So, whether it’s the middle of the night or the crack of dawn and your machine is broken, please do not hesitate to get in touch today. You can contact us online or over the phone at 732-579-2484. 


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